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Crypto Currency Tips

We've penned some tips based on years of experience for our clients to keep their money safe. Hope you take it into consideration. By Coin Mall


SMS verification


If you are currently in Turkey as a tourist, if you want to withdraw a cryptocurrency from your stock market account and convert it to dollars. Can the exchange's verification sms reach you because you are abroad? check this out.


Telegram & Whatsapp


If someone you know or don't know on Telegram or Whatsapp asks you to send a crypto money somewhere, don't send it and cut off your communication immediately. None of the serious companies will ever contact you through these channels and ask for money. If you want to have a dialogue with a company, you can contact them using their telegram or whatsapp addresses on their official web pages. Do not accept those who want to contact you.

Unfortunately, hundreds of people are victims of fraud every day.


Only exchange money in trusted places.

Do not trust exchange offices that are not on main streets. Do not believe those who say they can serve you with a much cheaper commission. Many offices may be built surreptitiously in labyrinth-like buildings, in suburbs, or in offices that do not have a specific business line. In such places, they may take advantage of your fear and ask you for exorbitant commissions. They may take advantage of your inability to find the strength to resist. Instead, choose reliable offices with direct entrances on popular streets. Although they may seem more expensive at first glance, when you look at them at the end of the day, you can realize that they are much cheaper.

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